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Automated referrals and data screenings with the Decision Studio
Decision Studio allows insurers to make quicker, fairer and better quality underwriting decisions by automating and augmenting the manual underwriting process.
How it works
Decision Studio utilises AI and machine learning to enable predictive underwriting across a range of data points, driving efficiencies in underwriting teams by reducing the time spent on manual reviews and increasing straight through applications.
Win more business and grow market share
- reduce time lag for medical data
- increase conversions with fewer drop-outs
- improve accessibility for consumers
What are the benefits of Decision Studio?
Automate requests for medical screening or data and inputting of results to speed up decision making and reduce risk of errors to drive consistent decisions and improve customer conversion to sale.
AI and machine learning enables predictive underwriting models across a range of data points allowing you to make better quality decisions based on learned data.
Reduce time spent on manual reviews so underwriters can spend time on higher value work and focus their time on more complex cases.
Make the medical screening process less intrusive for sensitive medical issues so that customers are more likely to complete the application process and get protection.
Automating medical data and results remove risk of error and subjective decision making so that decisions are more consistent and better quality.
Ensure the customers in most need of cover are able to access life insurance as easily as possible.
“By digitising and simplifying the underwriting process, we also reduce paperwork or our more than 5,000 financial consultants so they can spend more time engaging with their customers and advising them on their financial needs.”
Goh Theng Kiat, Chief Customer Officer, Prudential Singapore
“By using UnderwriteMe, we can now create a more engaging and consistent application process between the adviser and the consumer, as well as process new business at a much faster rate without having to increase our underwriting resources.”
Mick Jones, Chief Underwriter, MLC Life Insurance

Get in touch
Contact us to learn more about how to improve how decisions are made in your firm.